Kernow / Cornwall is one of the six Celtic Nations and the Cornish people are recognised by the U.K. Government alongside the Welsh and Scots as a National Minority under the Council of Europe Framework Convention for the the protection of National Minorities. The other Celtic Nations being Scotland, Ireland, The Isle of Man, Wales and Brittany. The roots of Cornish identity go back to the beginning of the first millenium and a shared Brythonic language and culture with Wales and Brittany. Modern Cornwall was definend in the 10th century when the border with England was set as the Tamar.

Cornwall’s distinct cultural identity has been created by its language, landscape and the history of its people. An important part of that history lies with its wider global connections both as part of the family of Celtic Nations and the Cornish Diaspora. The Cornish Diaspora provides family and cultural connections around the world but particulry Australia, North America and Mexico.

There are many facets to modern Cornish identity but is Kernewek, the Cornish Language, that connects them all together.


Kernewek (Cornish) Sowsnek (English)
Dydh Da! Hello!
Pandr'a vynn'ta eva? What would you like to drink?
Korev / Gwin (rudh/gwynn) / Hwiski / Jynevra Beer / Wine (red/white) / Whisky / Gin
A vynn’ta donsya genev? Mynnav mar pleg / Na vynnav, meur ras Do you want to dance with me? Yes please / No, thank you
Da yw genev an ton/kan na, pyth yw y hanow? I like that tune/song, what’s it called?
My a gar dehen rew! I love ice cream!
Pyth yw an gwella blas dehen rew dhis? Choklet / Sevi / Menta / Karamel yw... What is your favourite flavour ice cream? It’s... Chocolate / Strawberry / Mint / Caramel
Dha weles (sg.) / Agas gweles (pl.) Goodbye